#1) Oh buddy boy, I'm just going to pull your underwear down just a little bit more. When I get on my knees and get at that beautiful piece of meat of yours, it will indeed include your BALLS!!!
#2) Anywhere, anytime, you need servicing big boy, give me a ring. That patch of tummy fur is very nice.
#3) Indeed young man, he's very satisfied with the job your doing. Though, don't neglect his balls.
#4) Looks clean to me, so I'm going in with my TONGUE:)
#5) Hell ya, I'd follow that awesome "treasure trail" right down to your cock and the golden nuggets.
#6) Oh young man you do indeed have nice abs. But as I was getting to write my comment, a commercial came on TV and said something like "we got the meat". So that's what I'm going with, DUDE, you have the "packed meat"!!
#7) Jake is a very friendly guy. A gentleman all the time.
#8) Wow, young man, very, very nice "puppies"!!
#9) My favorite the "medium thickie". They indeed can pack a wallop:)
#10) Now, that is indeed one way to make your own "protein shake"!!
All photos that appear on this blog are taken from the Internet unless otherwise indicated and are assumed to be in the public domain. Want a pic taken down? Write me at prsoliloquies@gmail.com
If I could turn back time I'd celebrate Hump Day with #6
Scott from Massachusetts said...
WOW!!! Thursday Hotness is right Koba!!!
#1) Oh buddy boy, I'm just going to pull your underwear down just a little bit more. When I get on my knees and get at that beautiful piece of meat of yours, it will indeed include your BALLS!!!
#2) Anywhere, anytime, you need servicing big boy, give me a ring. That patch of tummy fur is very nice.
#3) Indeed young man, he's very satisfied with the job your doing. Though, don't neglect his balls.
#4) Looks clean to me, so I'm going in with my TONGUE:)
#5) Hell ya, I'd follow that awesome "treasure trail" right down to your cock and the golden nuggets.
#6) Oh young man you do indeed have nice abs. But as I was getting to write my comment, a commercial came on TV and said something like "we got the meat". So that's what I'm going with, DUDE, you have the "packed meat"!!
#7) Jake is a very friendly guy. A gentleman all the time.
#8) Wow, young man, very, very nice "puppies"!!
#9) My favorite the "medium thickie". They indeed can pack a wallop:)
#10) Now, that is indeed one way to make your own "protein shake"!!
Thanks Koba
9. Foto : voll behaart- mehr davon !
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