Sunday, March 29, 2020

Cock of the Block Contest!

Good Sunday morning, guys, I hope your weekend is treating you right thus far! It's time once again to choose a new Cock of the Block who will reign supreme over Soliloquies for the week ahead! As always, there are just two simple rules that I ask you to follow: PLEASE VOTE ONLY ONCE, AND PLEASE VOTE FOR ONLY ONE COCK. That said, the boys are all ready, the poll is now open, so let the voting begin, and may the best cock win


funguy said...

WHEW!...OMG!...they are all so fantastic!...very hard to decide!...but, I choose that big meaty stiff beautiful cock in PICTURE NUMBER 10

Anonymous said...


Allanmento said...


Anonymous said...

a great group...came down to 5 or 10...but those great balls and rock hard meat makes 10 the choice for me. thanks and stay safe

Anonymous said...

Lots of great choices this week, but best was last #10

Anonymous said...


Hot guys said...

1 or 5. Think I'll go with 1.

Anonymous said...

Number 5

Bill said...

Number 2 is the perfect balance of size shape thickness hair love to work it from crack to sack then work my magic tongue to a creamy reward

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

La polla número 5

mike said...

Number one!

lftcsterik9 said...

#3 is the total package but this week's bucket of swords was sure a challenge.

Unknown said...

Number two, girth,lenght, uncut, perfect in my eye.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

cock number 5!

Anonymous said...

#8 is gorgeous

bentonf said...


Butch 57 said...


Unknown said...

5 please

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


dicklover said...

So hard to choose between 1, 3 and 5

But I choose #1

Anonymous said...

Number five, with honorable mentions for seven and ten.

Pelota3 said...


Anonymous said...

10 should win - it gets my vote!

On a side note, can you imagine how big #4 would be when it gets hard? I bet it's owner would get light headed from the blood loss!

Anonymous said...

Def #10

dan said...

Koba sure is driving us hard as of late! #4 for me this week, with honourable mentions to numbers 3,6, and 8.

Dan said...

#10 - Such a BIG Perfect Beauty!

JT Sacto said...


Anonymous said...

hard to choose this week - #3

Anonymous said...

All worthy! # 10 towers slightly above.

Anonymous said...


parkavman said...


Anonymous said...

Scott from Massachusetts said...

Wow, Koba, again all fine slabs of man-meat!! Plenty of "power" cocks and "bull" balls, but with that said, I'm voting for Cock#8. That medium thickie with the most perfect mushroom capped head, and what looks like a nice full ball sac. Love to give him some car-head.

Indeed some honorable mentions have to be given today!!

#3) Oh ginger snap, I tip my hat to ya, you own a beauty. I know I have voted for you in the past.

#5) I would love to see a power bottom get rammed by this python and hear those huge balls slapped against the bottom bitch's ass.

#6) Nice "EGGS"!!

#9) Best man-legs!!

#10) If anyone can take this monster up their "pucker" they should get a medal!!

John said...


Arthur said...

Cock #1

Anonymous said...


Cy said...

Again too many beauties to choose from. You're making it harder and harder to pick one, but I'll go with NUMBER 10.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Number 3 for me please.

Michehot said...

Number 6, for me!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


sowelu30 said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

#5 - hot in every respect
Ben - Australia

Anonymous said...

Number 5!

Anonymous said...

5 Hummm

thewhitecat said...

I usually prefer my dicks natural but #8 is just right length, girth & also doesn't hurt that it's attached to a sexy, sexy man! Kudos to all the uncut fellows featured this week - they're amazing too!

Anonymous said...

That #5 cock does it for me! I vote for #5.

KMKZ-GREG said...


Chria A said...

Could I have #7 please?
When I clicked to open your blog, I nearly had a heart attack because it said it had been removed! I jumped back out and tried again. This time it worked! That was a relief. In my mind the week officially ends when I have looked at and decided a Cock Of The Block!

Bruce Jensen said...

It looks like I may be the only vote he gets....cock/hunk 6 for me.....a chest that I can grab by the handful while I ride.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Tom (Spain) said...

My vote goes to 7
Thanks for this great selection!

Anonymous said...

for me ->3

Anonymous said...