Saturday, June 4, 2016


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Scott from Massachusetts said...

Man, Wicked hot Weekender's post Koba!

#1) Oh my, so that's what goes on, under those kilts:)

#2) F--k ya big boy, my balls would dance to, if I had arms like you:) I'll be back to watch this "ballroom dancing" gem!!

#3) By golly, I think tomorrow, I'll take a "walk" in the park:)

#4) Hell, I would let this great hairy legged beauty piss on me:)

#5) Oh yes, dude, like how you "pack" those tighty whities. Also great body:)

#6) LOL.. Sometimes I do like showoff's, if they are nice dude's. These young man seem to fit the bill. Heck he does have the body for it, and his buddy, has a great smile:)

#7) Woof, Woof, Woof, Woof, Woof, Woof, Woof, no more to be said:):):):):):)

#8) Snap me up Ginger:) SWEET

#9) Saturday Night Facials are Special:):)

Thanks Koba