Saturday, November 5, 2016


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Scott from Massachusetts said...

Wow, great Weekenders post Koba!

#1) OK, ok, I'll be right over to give you one of my infamous rimers:)

#2) Oh my goodness gracious, somebody has some nice Bulging Blue Balls:)

#3) That a boy, hold onto that python:) Those are some nice big balls:)

#4) F-ck, I wish that hot dude with that beatuiful stiff cock was walking towards me. SWEET:)

#5) Now, that's a mouthful of prime beef. Remember to pay attention to his large "eggs":)

#6) That threesome looks mighty cozy:)

#7) I suddenly got the urge to chow down on a chocolate covered BANANA:) YUMMY..

#8) I have to try that exercise, that is one fine looking butt:)

#9) Ah, the boys comforting each other in a "BIG" way:)

#10) Fuck ya, that cocksucker, got exactly what he was looking for:):)

Thanks Koba