Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Nightcap - make it a double!

 Colder than a witch's tit here and with everything else going on, I think we could all do with a stiff nightcap. Cin cin!   


Anonymous said...

Scott from Massachusetts said.

LMAO, I just made myself a mug of hot chocolate, and I said ah heck before I turn on TV, I'll check out Koba's blog, well for the 3rd time today, "little scotty" is standing tall:) So I will tug and pull him and cup my balls AGAIN!!!

#1) I really don't want to wake up sleeping beauty here, but I need to lick his delicious looking balls. Wouldn't mind getting my nose in his taint area either.

#2) Well, you smoke your cig, I know what I would like to smoke. Loving your fat balls too. Oh, and your hairy muscular man legs are magnificent.

Yup Koba, might even dip below 0 tonight here in Central Massachusetts. Thanks so much for the double night cap. Stay close to the hubby tonight.

CAAZ said...

No doubt, I would like the guy in the second picture to keep me company.

tonyitalian1951@comcast.net said...

Nice hairy mid sections. Tony Italian.