Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Happy Hump Day!



Anonymous said...

Scott from Massachusetts said...
Guys 65 to 70 degrees here today, but tomorrow back in the 30's with a possibility of a big snow storm Thursday night into Friday.

Well Koba, you made a happy camper out of me with this "HHD" posting Koba!!

#1) Beefy butt, tight Button, Beautiful balls, what's not to like.
#2) Now help me out Koba, is this handsome soccer dude, a Bonerfide brother of your man crush, one, Mr, Eden Hazard?
#3) That a boy, get it wet and sloppy and he will indeed give you some pre, before the "bittersweet" man-goo!!
#4) Don't you fret young man, I've definitely picked up the scent. I might even bring over a pair of scissors, and cut some of your fine locks of hair to paste on to my baby smooth ass cheeks.
#5) "So bro, how many fingers do you want up your pucker?"
#6) My favorite slice of meat, the medium thicky, buddy it's a beauty.
#7) Oh buddy, that's all you would have to do with those good looks, just stand there and look pretty, and you'll attract MEN and WOMEN!!
#8) Oh strong armed one, carry me to that cozy couch, and sit on my face. Like Horn King and I have said, "whatever floats your boat"!!
#9) Oh buddy, I could make your squirm, with what I could do to your exposed body parts.
#10) Fuck, that dude squeezed a huge amount of cream, out of that scrumptious THICK cock.

Thanks Koba!!

Stravaros said...

How am I supposed to get any work done with #8's butt staring me in the face all day???

Koba said...

Thanks guys, and yes, No. 8 is stunning!