Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Tuesday Ramifications


bignate said...

I'll have Two for Tuesday!

Anonymous said...

Scott from Massachusetts said...

Terrific Tuesday Ramifications here today Koba!!

#1) "F--k, I waited all day, I better get my ass over there, it's that Scott dude, I know that bobbing cocksucker's head anywhere".

#2) Wouldn't mind one bit, being a spectator at this long dong event:)

#3) What a very handsome gentleman, oh and that cock of his isn't to shabby either. Woof

#4) Oh my, while you get in touch with his tight white Calvins, CAN I get in touch with your grey basket.

#5) It's a win-win-win situation here:)

#6) That a boy be a little forceful with him, he's about to shoot his "nut" off.

#7) Hey handsome you strike any pose you want, as long as you leave me room to chow down on that fine slab of meat you own:)

#8) I know I'm supposed to be looking at that nice ball sac of his, but I can't take my eyes of his gorgeous hairy legs.

#9) I'll never see abs like that on me, I like to eat to much. Talking about chowing down, um does that long dong of yours need to be taken care of?

#10) INDEED, I had my nose buried in a nice hairy pit today. Thanks buddy for the reminder.

Thanks Koba!!