Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Tuesday Ramifications


bignate said...

Oh, happy day!

Butch 57 said...

Fill me up with cock

Anonymous said...

Scott from Massachusetts said...

Wow, one terrific Tuesday Ramifications posting Koba!!

#1) Heck, I just need a little spot on that bed, plant my ass down and watch these two go at it. I'd take in all the sights and smells, while I'm jerking off.

#2) Decisions, decisions, where do I go first???? Tongue that sweet man-hole or get on that fine slab of beef, also like those nice balls. Woof, dude!!!!

#3) With those pouty lips, you know I'm going to get on your cock, and make you very happy!!

#4) I insisted not to let my drunken buddy drive home last night. Wouldn't you have done the same???? Woof, I think I'll go ask him what he wants for breakfast:):)

#5) Lucky handsome bastard, about to enjoy a beautiful cock:)

#6) Nobody has to spread this eager bottom legs open, he's doing a fine job on his own:):)

#7) Oh your hairy beast you, put me over your shoulders and have you manly way with me. By the looks of it, you ready to do some pounding. Yes I do make exceptions, when I'm in the mood to spread my legs.

#8) When the boys want to play, they will ALWAYS find a place.

#9) Um, ah, Leo, those fat balls of yours need to be drained. I'll be right over.

#10) I love hot cum sprayed on my ass and back. Man, this dude has a great ass. Heck from what I can see from behind, a great body.

Thanks Koba

Bruce Jensen said...

Any day that ends in "y"!
I'll take the ramifuckations!