Monday, September 15, 2008

If you got it, flaunt it!


Anonymous said...

The concept of the "obvious" can have no meaning if the penisknob extended to us in the garage portrait should arouse the slightest doubt of anus of its destiny. Of course it is for just such contingencies that the penis feedback loop evolved with anus as the ferocious scavenger that it is, of penis rootstock of this stalwartness, and it was bulb of this obliterative oblongness which led to anus' corresponding genius of adaptation. Intelligent design at its finest, if we do say so.

Anonymous said...

In the final frame, the lusciousness of bottom's perineal emergence of cock vies with the coral radiance of its pithly capital in incentivising the most drastic exhumations of ass of which our hips are capable. Meanwhile, as his testicles ricochet upon the pubic parapet within the roiling aspic of his eventual spew, we gauge our gorings by the hue and swell his full urethra inflames us with, to balance exuberance with lingering's lavish compensations. Who can doubt the wonder of fuck at such times?