Saturday, June 21, 2008

Go Holland!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The soaped loins in the fenestrated shower disgorge a penis summoning our spontaneous adulation. Here the botanical perfection in the frond of fuck is matched by a heroic valour of volume and projection, not in size or conformation, but in vividness of ripening and forwardness of arc, so that features which are typically “hung” are, rather, poured forth from a potent plinth or catapult of undeniable worthiness, in which the tensile vigour of the abdomen decants cock for the hips to distribute with regal aplomb.

Nor is the enthralling power of this penis limited to its sublime delivery mechanisms. The great genius of the stamen (thinking botanically) or of the meaty pith (thinking gastronomically) for radiant colour contrast portrays not merely its distinguishable texture and function, but its distinctly unrivalled focal power. Much as anus flexes to the same effect and for the same reason as penispith enlarges, the voluptuousness in the expansive aspect of both forms is experienced instantly in a single glance at this coral capital of cock. The reflexes of dickswell and assgrind, harmonious incidents of the cohesive loop of fuck, inform us instantly of where we are showering today.

Naturally, there are suctions to be conducted, and ass must claim our face in frenzied fusion to its cynosure. But we will hear more from this cock before the final rinse has swept our flesh of foam.