Saturday, May 24, 2008

Some Like it Hot!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Was I there for penis, when Nick Urquiza disencumbered it of jock, and let its pouch of succulence sway free? Was I there, in penis-stirring study of its lavish rolling arc, the mold of male moanfruit lushly caped to warm its spark?

Was I there to scan its conduits of sweet-concerted promise of its rise, and did I see a swell of sympathy for mine, so anguished in its leap to yield its praise? Had pointed turn of pec inflamed my crown, or was it silken thigh’s retreat to clefted warmth? Had sweeping grace of clavicle uncoiled my pleading cock, a parapet to grapple for in penis-hosting shock? O, was I there for penis, as penis turned to me to greet its knock?