Monday, March 24, 2025

Programming Note

 Hi guys, I'm feeling like crap this morning - really sore throat and nasal congestion. I'm going back to bed for a few hours. I'll get the Back to the Grind post up sometime later today... 


Anonymous said...

Oh,my. Get well quickly. God bless.

Anonymous said...

Cuidate de la gripe

Anonymous said...

Rest well. Feel better! said...

Please take care of yourself. One really old fashion medicine is hot tea with real honey. It will soothe your throat. Best of luck bud!!! Tony Italian.

a_mi_man said...

I had a similar virus a month ago not covid but headache sore throat and congestion, even my teeth hurt, it lasted four days. I hope you feel better soon

Anonymous said...

Take care of yourself Koba. Get well soon -- but don't push yourself too hard. Best, Tiger.

Koba said...

Thanks guys - much appreciated! I'm starting to come around a little, I think.