Wednesday, March 19, 2025

And the winners are...

 ... with 5 votes each, the winners are Butt Nos. 5 and 7, and 2! Second place is a 2-way tie between Butt Nos. 3 and 4 with each receiving 4 votes, and third place is also a 2-way tie between Butt Nos. 1 and 10 with each of them receiving 3 votes! Lots of fine butts in this competition, if I do say so myself! The Koba's Choice Award goes to one of our winners, Butt No. 2! Congrats all round and many thanks to all those who participated in the vote! Have a great day, guys! 


FrankLeeMyDear said...

I think you should give a Special Honors Award to Butts #6, #8, and #9. I mean it's kinda hard to pick just one butt when you present the butts that were shown! Everyone looks to be a winner. 😉 said...

Frank... I agree with you, bud. Number 8 is really better/sexier than some of the winners. To each his own of course. Tony Italian.