#1) Someone knows I'm coming over for breakfast. Certainly get resist that foot and nice cock of his!! #2) Oh boy, would I love to come from "behind", spread his lightly hairy sunshine buns and get my tongue in where the sun DOESN'T shine. Then for a nice swim, we would go. #3) I'll bring the coffee over lion, and then you can drag me into your lions den, and ravage me. Oh, um, socks off!! Remember your an animal. #4) One very nice manly pit, and a few other manly places I'd like to visit on him!! Woof!! #5) Heck I'm "hungry" for a "Kit kat bar"!!! #6) If anyone is wondering, that's Koba's sitting next to one of his soccer crushes. #7) OH my, a lion and tiger getting along JUST fine:) #8) Hey handsome, looking good. Want to make me happy? Just let me feel your "puppies" and then tickle your nips with my tongue. #9) Oh now now, don't you look so glum with those puppy dog eyes, you know someone is going to come along and suck you off. Very nice THICK dong. #10) Better wipe that mess up quick young man, or there will be matted fur everywhere!!
All photos that appear on this blog are taken from the Internet unless otherwise indicated and are assumed to be in the public domain. Want a pic taken down? Write me at prsoliloquies@gmail.com
Scott from Massachusetts said...
Wonderful Weekenders here today Koba!!
Beautiful summer day here in Massachusetts:):)
#1) Someone knows I'm coming over for breakfast. Certainly get resist that foot and nice cock of his!!
#2) Oh boy, would I love to come from "behind", spread his lightly hairy sunshine buns and get my tongue in where the sun DOESN'T shine. Then for a nice swim, we would go.
#3) I'll bring the coffee over lion, and then you can drag me into your lions den, and ravage me. Oh, um, socks off!! Remember your an animal.
#4) One very nice manly pit, and a few other manly places I'd like to visit on him!! Woof!!
#5) Heck I'm "hungry" for a "Kit kat bar"!!!
#6) If anyone is wondering, that's Koba's sitting next to one of his soccer crushes.
#7) OH my, a lion and tiger getting along JUST fine:)
#8) Hey handsome, looking good. Want to make me happy? Just let me feel your "puppies" and then tickle your nips with my tongue.
#9) Oh now now, don't you look so glum with those puppy dog eyes, you know someone is going to come along and suck you off. Very nice THICK dong.
#10) Better wipe that mess up quick young man, or there will be matted fur everywhere!!
Thanks Koba!!!
Number 3. Hmmm.
Thanks guys!
The first picture is an English Onlyfans creator named David Twist. You can find him on Twitter @davidtwist.
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