Friday, June 24, 2022

Thank God it's Friday!



  1. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Terrific "TGIF" posting Koba!!!

    #1) Getting clean and catching your nut at the same day, nice way to go buddy, and NO mess to wipe up:) Just watch your man-goo go down the drain.
    #2) Oh yeah, testosterone reeking in that celebratory locker room.
    #3) Dude, you hit the jackpot today!! You a winner rather you lick up or down!! Hey do me a favor, when you get near his nip, give it a light flickering.
    #4) Now com-on "Paddy Cakes", don't make your buddy jerk his own cock too.
    #5) My goodness, where do I sniff first????
    #6) By the looks of it, someone is going to get a nice firm HJ from an onlooker.
    #7) Everybody wins with a "69"!!
    #8) Look at his beautiful mane of hair. I suggest a nice relaxing sauna for you buddy.
    #9) Oh, I have a feeling those skimpy underwear will be off him very soon!!
    #10) Fuck I hope I'm smiling like this happy cutie as I try to get a Friday Facial tonight. LMAO, I don't know if his eyes are closed because he in ecstasy or they are "glued" shut.

    Thanks Koba!!
