Thursday, June 23, 2022

In praise of the jockstrap!

 Featuring dudes in their jocks...


  1. The inventor of the jockstrap had to have been gay.

  2. Scott from Massacusetts said....

    No way, will I be able to get through all ten of these hot jocks while typing and playing with my cock at the same time. Oh yes, I'm fiddling right now.

    Awesome posting Koba!! FK, "Oscar the Otter" looking so masculine in his jock, that is holding his nice THICK DONG in place!! #10!!!

    #8) Front or back, please let me spread your cheeks in the sack!! Woof, nice V shaped back and one beautiful man ass:) Want to sit on my face?

    #7) Oh buddy, I'm with you. We will sniff anything masculine to get a whiff of the scent.

    #3) I'm going tooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, cu~~~~~~~~~~~~mmmmmmmm!!!

    I told you, I wouldn't last!!!

    Thanks Koba, but have to go, I have a mess to clean!!!

  3. I wanna release #4! It’s dying to get out.. I have a place that it might feel more comfortable… 🍆🍑

  4. Hi, i've been your fan for a long time, your posts are amazing, i always looking for hot pictures here, oh yeah, can we do link exchange or bloglisting? I'll put your blog link in my blog too, if you dont mind, thank you!
    Please visit my blog at

  5. Enough of # 10 already!
