Saturday, June 20, 2020



  1. Koba, Good morning from San Diego CA. I love the guy in #9 -- I love stubby cocks (5"X 5") and the men attached to them. I also find a man with a full untrimmed shag very appealing as in your #6 stud. And, finally a shot out for #1 as he is just a fantastic teenage fantasy and masculine perfection.
    Thanks for your work everyday. You have quite an eye for picking talent to share with the rest of the Queer World. Happy Summer! Erik
    P.S. #10's nuclear blast is awe inspiring.

  2. A very interesting mix as we begin the weekend. Thanks,

  3. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    WOW, one Wonderful Weekenders posting Koba!!

    #1) Oh big boy, very colorful sneakers, BUT please take them off, and put those long hairy legs around my shoulders. WOOF!!!!

    #2) I know, I know, I should be looking at handsome's cock in his speedo , but I want my tongue on his sniff nips.

    #3) OH you sweaty longed legged male specimen. Hopefully very soon, I'll be able to join you in the sauna. What, you want a foot massage? You ask and you shall receive.

    #4) Ok, Now, I'm looking at cock. This dude has a beauty. My mouth is watering.

    #5) I was right, Koba did dream about Eden last night. Oh Koba's hubby is going to get lucky this weekend. Koba must be all horned "up".

    #6) Hey you cute otter, you can show me any kind of muscles you want. I'm going to look for an otter today, I mean com-on, at 6 Pm EST, it will be officially Summer. I do like me a playful otter.

    #7) Yes, Yes, it's me down there, PLEASE let me up!! You can shove one of your powerful hands in the back of my head, and let me give that beautiful cock and balls of yours some loving.

    #8) Koba, you trying to do me in today? I WOULD be honored to take a nice tubby with one of my favorite big boys, shampoo his hair, and also give him a sponge bath (All considering, I can fit in the tub with him).

    #9) Hey dude, yes, nice cock, nice arms, nice body. But most of all, how could anyone resist that sweet smile of yours. Wouldn't mind you sweet talking me into your bed tonight.

    #10) F--k ya dude, BLASTOFF indeed. Great job!!

    Thanks Koba!!

  4. Lots of Beautiful men on display for Father's Day!!

    I'm going with my 1st impression; #1!!


  5. It's #4 for me this week.
