Sunday, June 21, 2020

Cock of the Block Contest!

Good Sunday morning, guys, I hope your weekend is treating you right thus far! It's time once again to choose a new Cock of the Block who will reign supreme over Soliloquies for the week ahead! As always, there are just two simple rules that I ask you to follow: PLEASE VOTE ONLY ONCE, AND PLEASE VOTE FOR ONLY ONE COCK. That said, the boys are all ready, the poll is now open, so let the voting begin, and may the best cock win


  1. First, third and the last one. 👌🏻

    I'll take the last one because it's the most natural-looking. 😏

  2. #4. A deep-throater's dream dick.

  3. Well, as I prefer dads on Father's Day, it's a toss up between #2 and #7,
    A hard choice but I like a furry dad so, #2 is my choice for cock of the week.

  4. La polla número 10

  5. Wow! So many delicious cocks. Tough picks this week....have to narrow down to #6

  6. #7 takes my vote
    If the face was available #6

  7. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Woof, the scent of a nice grizzly bear. Take me in your arms, carry me upstairs, or where ever your masculine den is, and let me sniff you from head to toe. Then I will suck that beautiful uncut cock of yours, till you growl as you "nut" in my mouth.

    Indeed #2, gets my vote.

    To honor the first full day of Summer, some awards have to given out.

    #9) Nothing better than eating a foot-long at a hot summer day (it's 90's already, and it's no even noon yet.) That cock is yummy!!

    #10) Those HOT BALLS, look mighty tempting!!

    #7) Handsome might be smiling, but that angry cock of his, won't be happy till he spews. What a thick one!!!

    Very high honorable mentions to all the other slab of meat!!! Now I have to get my ass out of comforts of my AC apt, and find some daddy meat in honor of Father's day. They deserve a good suck today.

  8. Easy pick for me this week: #2 it is! All that girth plus the bush is a dream come true. Honourable mention to #7.

  9. number 3, I’m a sucker for a big mushroom head.

  10. First choice is #9, second choice #2.

  11. #4 - perfection
    Ben - Australia

  12. No.8 With all of it and those balls.. MMMMM!

    No.3 is nice too but I prefer UNCUT ones..

  13. I usually go for cocks with beautiful, natural foreskin - but this week I chose #1 (he looks like he may be uncut anyway) for shape, length and nice looking balls!

  14. Quite a few nice ones this week! Have to go with the mushroom head. The cock ring on #5 is also hot.
