What I loved about Peter H's fucks were their fine-flung spontaneity, more like sudden lashings in one's ass than onerous drillings, yet very much with the same expunging consequence you'd expect of a more ponderous excavation. Alas, his ass left a welt on my cockroot so severe that our mothers suggested we go play with other boys, so I haven't much to tell you about his bottoming genius, which I fear is quite wicked by now.
All photos that appear on this blog are taken from the Internet unless otherwise indicated and are assumed to be in the public domain. Want a pic taken down? Write me at prsoliloquies@gmail.com
WOOF on these HOT Men. I would love to go on a play date with all of them.
LOVE the guy running in the grey shorts wows!!!
great set of pics Jeff!
Fantastic cock, chest, body, on picture Nr.5 (seen from the top)!!!!
What I loved about Peter H's fucks were their fine-flung spontaneity, more like sudden lashings in one's ass than onerous drillings, yet very much with the same expunging consequence you'd expect of a more ponderous excavation. Alas, his ass left a welt on my cockroot so severe that our mothers suggested we go play with other boys, so I haven't much to tell you about his bottoming genius, which I fear is quite wicked by now.
May I join in and savor what you twins have on display!
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