Good Sunday morning dudes! Hope you are alll having a good weekend and that you remembered to turn your clocks ahead! I hate losing that hour.
In any case, it's Sunday and that means a new batch of cocks vying to be the Cock of the Block! Please vote for your favourite (just one!) in the comments section, and may the bext cock win!
5 !!!!! Anything jeans gets my vote but damn! It was still tough to choose!! I see Cody that fucking hottie! And others are hot which I will stop here before I change my mind!! Slurp to them all
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#3 and #7;)
5 !!!!!
Anything jeans gets my vote but damn! It was still tough to choose!! I see Cody that fucking hottie!
And others are hot which I will stop here before I change my mind!! Slurp to them all
#4 without a doubt.
i take without doubt cick Number 4!!!!
damn I would be tempted to change it to #1 but no, the curved dick downwards in jeans so I can be on my knees still gets my vote!
I'm all about #4. #7 is terrible nice though.
5th one down has my vote
#8 for me!
#4 is the best.
#5 for me. 'Shroom head with an intriguing bend to the shaft - yum!
#4 is the best
#2 because he's sooooo decadent
The Cock of my Block is Number 3.
Strangely enough, although I don't usually go for men like Yves (Nr.2) - smooth - blonde - young(ish) - I've always found HIM totally sexy!!!
for total man package #5, but for amazing cock alone, #8!!!!!!
The best is the fourth, that ginger bush is great, the dick's sharp delicious.
I'd suck any one of them. Hell, I'd suck all of them. But Number 5, with his downward bend looks like he was made for deep throating. #5 it is!
I wanted to vote for 6! But I looked at the votes so he's not gonna win! So my vote will go for 5 instead!
#4. Red bush.... Trail and Hooded Cock! NICE!!!!
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