Thursday, April 18, 2024

Thursday Hotness!



  1. Scott from Massachusetts said.

    Oh yeah, it's Thursday Hotness alright, this post is sizzling.

    #1) Wow, the windows in my apt just steamed up. Man, is that one beautiful sight.
    #2) ADDRESS PLEASE????
    #3) Honestly not bragging, but I had a nice strong paw holding my head down, while chowing down on his man-meat:) Oh cocksucker, don't neglect his stuffed nuts.
    #4) "Damn, Koba never has kept me waiting this long!!"
    #5) Was going to skip the gym today, but not now. Workout and then sauna. Hope I run into some hanging sausage like this. Yummy!!
    #6) Think about it guys, we're dirty dogs!! Ok sorry, I'm speaking for myself, but I can identify with these dudes. Like doing it, and having it done to me.
    #7) Oh my goodness, another one to list in my "field of dreams"!! Woof!!
    #8) That's what I could use, a nice NPP!!! Love seeing the boys having a good time.
    #9) Oh buddy, get ready for the royal treatment.
    #10) Honey dew coming from my favorite sized cock, the MEDIUM-THICKY!!! Magnificent sight.

    Great posting Koba!!

  2. Thanks Scott! Love your comment re Jack! :)
