Saturday, March 23, 2024

Saturday Bonus! Grealish!

 Miserable day here weather-wise. Lots of snow that's going to turn into freezing rain around midnight. I'm thinking warm, moist thoughts of Jack...   


  1. this guy has the most sexiest legs/calves around

  2. I don't know ha, but...

    Jocks are awesome! 👏🏻🔥🙂

  3. Scott from Massachusetts said.

    Wow, I must have been hunkering down to miss this warm posting of your man crush Koba!! Heavy rains all day yesterday here in Massachusetts!!

    Stay safe Koba, I'm glad you gave yourself a present.

    #2) Loving those "cowlicks" Jack!!!

    #3) Boner alert of a peek at Jack's bum:)

    Last pic) Now Koba, it's his job to be feeling Jack up, so don't be envious of the trainer. MY my, does Jack have nice long hairy legs.

  4. Thanks guys! Yeah, Jack's legs are a work of art! Very messy mix of weather we had here. Snow, then ice pellets, and then freezing rain and it's now -10 C. Thankfully, the husband is on clean-up duty!

  5. Jack the Lad - has tailored kit to show off his spectacular ass.
