Thursday, November 16, 2023

Thursday Hotness!

Hey guys, just letting you know that I will be away for a few days. I should be back in the saddle on Sunday, but COTB will probably only appear in the afternoon. Cheers! 



  1. Scott from Massachusetts said.

    Koba two things before I comment on this very Hot Thursday posting. First of all, enjoy your time away, and 2ndly thanks so much for the "caption this photo yesterday".

    #1) Now that's a hot creamy meat stick, I'd love to chow down on.
    #2) Oh yeah Ginger Sanp lick his balls first before you go for the main event.
    #3) I have a good feeling these two will help each other out:)
    #4) If I was with you this morning buddy, that morning wood of yours would have been taken care of!!
    #5) OH buddy loving everything about you!! Great man legs, and that is one very nice cock and beautiful loose balls.
    #6) Either way buddy you're in luck if he goes down your get a BJ, if he moves up, he's going for the nips and the pits, and then a nice kiss on the lips.
    #7) Love to have this tiger ravage me on that comfy carpet.
    #8) OH you sly devil you, you know many of us horn dogs can't resist a sweaty pit.
    #9) What a handsome dude, what a body, and that is one nice cock and balls.
    #10) OH big boy, I will find a way to get my nose and tongue in that lower pouch. I just follow the male scent.

    Thanks Koba!!

  2. Picking out just two of this wonderful line up of hot men:
    No.5 looks sort of shy but his genitals are MAGNIFICENT: stallion's balls and a hefty penis, semi-erect at the moment but bulky already, dangling but waiting for a gentle kiss to make it twang (TWANG) to its full glory.
    No.10 I love how he's resting his hand very gently on the pouch of his jockstrap. HE knows what's in there. I wonder if his new lover will be surprised? delighted? terrified? when he's allowed to pull the pouch down.
    Thanks Kobal!
    Best, Tiger.

  3. Thanks Scott and Tiger! Most welcome, Scott!
