Monday, July 17, 2023

And the winner is...

 ... with 18 votes in total, this week's winner is Cock No. 1! Second place goes to Cock No. 7 with 15 votes, and third place is rounded out by Cock No. 4 with 12 votes! This week's Koba's Choice Award goes to Cock No. 6! Congrats to the winners and many thanks to all those who took part! Have a great week, guys!  


  1. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Congrats to the winner. Very nice cock, but man, those "eggs" of yours look so delicious. I promise I will, hold them gently.


  2. Damn, I choose Number One but seriously thought Number Four or Seven would win but a trifecta---unbelievable. It is wonderful to see a total man win and not just some dude with a big cock. Whoever breeds this winner is a very happy person.
