Monday, May 8, 2023

Back to the grind...



  1. HAPPY MONDAY! Number 3 ---a cute redhead is always a crowd pleaser.
    Number 4's Trio -- perfect ink & muscles and the furry top is delicious.
    Number Five -- Kissing-- How Novel?!
    And, Number 9 -- Black Fur RULES! Yum Yum Yum.

  2. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Great "BTTG" posing Koba!!!

    #1) I love helping out when I can, they asked me to be the lookout guy and I was. Though I must admit I had one eye on the show, which they didn't mind.
    #2) Woof, I do like a locker room boxer dude:)
    #3) I Ditto on lftcsterik9 comment.
    #4) 3 is not a crowd for these playful boys:)
    #5) Something about the big boys going at it, that gets ME going:)
    #6) That a boy, though I enjoying how you dressed or I should I say undressed doing the your laundry.
    #7) Man, I love to undo that boxer button and check his basket out.
    #8) Yes a good cocksucker will use his wet warm mouth.
    #9) Damn you, and I was just getting ready for bed, but I will follow the scent to your house.
    #10) Ah, a Gh mouthful:)

    Thanks Koba!!
