Sunday, March 5, 2023

Cock of the Block Contest!

 Good Sunday morning, guys, I hope your weekend is treating you right thus far! It's time once again to choose a new Cock of the Block who will reign supreme over Soliloquies for the week ahead! As always, there are just two simple rules that I ask you to follow: PLEASE VOTE ONLY ONCE, AND PLEASE VOTE FOR ONLY ONE COCK. That said, the boys are all ready, the poll is now open, so let the voting begin, and may the best cock win


  1. What a collection. Thank you. So difficult to choose, but it’s #1 for me - that foreskin is getting me so horny.

  2. Number 8 please! Love the way his amazing uncut cock is curling onto his thigh. Would love to lick those beautiful balls too.

  3. tough choice this week. i'll go with number 3 with pringle-dude as a close 2nd

  4. Perky number 5 for me!
    Pringle dude has been stretched sideways which is why his Pringle can is oval and his cock looks like a beaver tail.

  5. Lots to look at this week...

    1st round: #1, #2, #6, #8, #10 (as usual, eliminated half)

    2nd round: #1, #6, #10

    Final round: #1 (his furriness, as well as being uncut just strikes me this week)

    PS: would not mind seeing #6 & #10 ALLOWING me to have my way with them, as a consolation

    Thanks Koba


  6. .....another wonderful selection of spectacular cocks to brighten my day and get me horny...after much back and forth slow-viewing, I choose cock #10
    .....THANK YOU Koba...and THANK YOU to all who entered
    .....have a GREAT WEEK everyone!

  7. #4 or #9 I would love to see the #9 dick from a different angle, so i vote for #9

  8. #6--never could resist a man with a big tube-- of Pringles

  9. No question here, #1 gets my vote.
    He's got a great hooded cock, but that amazing hairy body a big balls put me over the top!

  10. Number 2 is a lean FK AND SUCK MACHINE!!! MY WINNER!!!
    Special mention to #1 LOVE THE HOODY/COCK/HUGE BALLS/BUSH!!! LOVE IT ALL!!!

  11. La polla número 4


  12. Number ONE WINS MY VOTE -- if only b/c he's a lumberjack! Every guy today could be the contest winner. Toss in the air -- A crap shoot.

  13. #7 His cock seems raring to go, a cock that needs attention NOW

  14. #6 is a meaty beast...i am a meat eater....

  15. 2 and 7 are neck n neck, but since I can choose only one. It will have to be number 7

  16. Dan’s Vote - #8 with a close second going to #4

  17. No.10 but not for the rest of it.. Too many tatoos..

  18. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Oh my, I'm really in a "pickle" today!! I have my hard on (oops my heart set) on three or four of them!!

    Ok, here goes, I vote for #10, thick cock, funky knob, and loose balls wins out. While I go down oh him, I can also check out his awesome tats.

    Now definitely there are some shout outs too!!

    #1) Woof, love the whole look, that is one unique cock head!!
    #2) One Long Dong!!
    #3) Thanks for the nipple shot to go along with that snake of yours.
    #4) Looks juicy doesn't it?
    #5) Oh my, he's so ever ready to be put out of his misery, and I'm just the guy to do it.
    #6) Oh big boy, I hope Koba shows more of you in future posts!! Right up my alley!! Woof!!
    #7) Bottoms would love to back into that dong.
    #8) Your definitely a lover of the male body, when you want that big toe as much as his beautiful cock and balls.
    #9) Oh buddy, you have the look handsome, and the cock and balls to match it, Woof!!

  19. #6 or #8 for me but if I have to choose.. #6 wins.. i wanna swallow him and bottom for him and feel his cock fill my insides.. you got me all horned up as usual Koba!!! Damn i want him..

  20. So many hot cocks this week. Love the beefy giant with his chips, but I vote for #1 because that amazing foreskin totally rocks me!

  21. I'll take Pringles for $100, Alex.

  22. Damn. The beautiful fur of #2, the unbelievable thickness of #6, or just the pure perfection of #9? Gotta go with #2.

  23. 1. It’s anteater week!
