Saturday, February 25, 2023




  1. Damn, Koba, You sure know how to assemble a sex team---every stud is perfect!
    I want Number One to do nasty things to me with that spectacular furry body.
    Number Four's Junk is what every man wants to see on his date.
    My favorite is Number Seven with that furry body & those well gripped nuts.
    Number 8 is just masculine perfection!
    Number 9 just demonstrates that too much of a good thing is never enuf!
    And Number Ten makes my tongue tingle -- that dark cock with pink head is a treat 365 days in every year---SLURP!

  2. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    WOW, wonderful weekenders here today Koba!!

    #1) Wow, Woof, Wonderful Weekend Warrior. I Wouldn't have any Worries with this Warrior guarding my house:) I'll be coming back from time to time this Weekend, looking at this stunning Warrior. Does it get any better? I think not.
    #2) OH yes indeed, you guys know me too well. I'll be over in 5. DON't put any deodorant on) Oh and keep that "puppy" flexed.
    #3) Young man, your doing a great job, keeping in shape. Nice eyes too.
    #4) Now that's a viewing I never get tired of looking at:)
    #5) Oh don't you worry handsome we wouldn't dream of interrupting your breakfast!!
    #6) OH, I so would turn that into a "creamed cruller". Just beautiful:)
    #7) Sometimes in life you have to take chances and grab live by the balls!! Holy f--k, I'm going to do that to the dude I'm crushing on at the gym:)
    #8) Yes lion don't ponder anymore, just come and ravage me.
    #9) I'll be right over boys. I don't pass down "open invitations" like that!!
    #10) Oh handsome the rest of the day is going to go very smoothly for you.

    Thanks Koba!!
