Saturday, February 11, 2023




  1. I love the chef (# 1) and the penultimate cooking hamburgers. I like the apron of the first. Jejeje!!!

  2. I'd love to see #9's weiner, but I'd hate to see it land on the grill!

  3. #9 Screw the BURGERS... Get into bed so I can SCREW YOU!!! DELICIOUS!!!

  4. Jeez look at the bush on #9 - give anything to push my face in that and breath deeply
    Ben Australia

  5. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Wow, wonderful Weekenders here today Koba!!

    #1) OH big boy, take off the apron, and let me have you hot buns for breakfast.
    #2) Fast and furious, then out the car door you go.
    #3) Oh Viking, I want to be on your side.
    #4) Nothing like some male bonding:)
    #5) Well handsome, you gave me the signal, so underwear off, so I can keep my end of the bargain.
    #6) Wow, enjoy your coffee, while I "polish" your big knob:)
    #7) Dudes like their naked bike events.
    #8) Lucky bastard!! Now stop looking at us, and bod up and down and get your reward.
    #9) Oh young man, you better be careful, that might grilling might cause a "bush fire'!! Wow that is one awesome "treasure trail"!!
    #10) Yes male bonding at it's finest.

    Thanks Rick!!

  6. Thanks guys! And, yeah, that bush on No. 9, eh!
