Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Tuesday Ramifications!



  1. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    One Terrific Tuesday Ramifications here today Koba!!

    #1) Someone's in pure glory on his hobby horse ride:)
    #2) Now that's the face of a dude's "button" being tickled:)
    #3) Well it is one of the side effects of taking too much of the "little blue pill"
    #4) While he's enjoying the ride, I'd love to be licking his balls.
    #5) Nothing wrong with getting carred away by giving your"fuck buddy" a kiss:)
    #6) Damn you, I'll have to trudge through the snow to get to ya, but I will. Big "guns", big cannon balls:)
    #7) Oh cutie pie, I would never leave you with "blue balls"!!
    #8) Quiet nothing like it, and also my jack off pic of the day.
    #9) Now bottom if you don't ram him too fast, I'm going to try and get my nose in your hole, and lick your balls at the same time.
    #10) Sex and food are always on my mind, I'm going to take a work break and go get a Cadbury cream filled chocolate bar.

    Thanks Koba!!


  2. Koba, you have a dirty dirty mind! And, WE love you for it.
    Thinking Number Three must have some great meds. That is one glorious boner.
    Number 7 so young, so built, and what a big basket to prep for Easter giving.
    Number 8 -- Father Knows BEST! Surrender your throat to your daddy!
    And, Number 9 -- Penetration -- Houston, we have splashdown.
