Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Tuesday Ramifications!



  1. One in the car looks ready 👌🏻


  2. Number 6--he wanted to stick his dick in his buddy's ass so badly that he forgot to take his pants off.


  3. Not usually a fan of Tuesday Ramifuckations but today is quite the exception!
    Number One is reverse cowboy anyone would envy -- Giddy UP!
    Number Two is my fantasy bottom. What a handsome furry guy!
    Number Three has two fraternity brothers bonding in a very masculine way.
    Number Eight is Midwest Farmer Cock at it perfection best.
    AND Number Ten --- HAPPY NEW YEAR 2023! Cupid has left the building.

  4. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Terrific Tuesday Ramifications posting Koba!!

    #1) Man, would I love to be a 3rd in this fuck session, I don't care if it was just to watch. "BUTT", I really would love to be licking the tops balls while he's poking that handsome dude.
    #2) Hey lion I see many a hairy spots that I would love to sniff:)
    #3) Oh indeed young men, looks like your enjoying one of life's favorite position, the infamous "69"!!
    #4) While one hairy hole is full, I would love to fill the other hairy hole with my tongue.
    #5) Holy jaw breaking mouthful Batman, I want some of that!!
    #6) I have a funny feeling someone's going to "cum and go"!!
    #7) Oh buddy you keep doing that, and he won't be able to help himself but to give you some sweet maple syrup:)
    #8) Heck I'm ready for dinner right now:)
    #9) Hold on bottom, I'm going to suck your cock, to make it easier on you to take that pounding from that hairy handsome beast.
    #10) Oh bottom, your lucky you caught me horny, I'll be over to clean up Cupid's sticky mess. Good one lftcsterik9!!

    Thanks Koba!!
