Sunday, December 25, 2022

Merry Christmas!



  1. MERRY/MARY CHRISTMAS!! What a fantastic Christmas Elf Gallery. I would like Elf #2 to come and use that light saber he is showing off to do wonderous and magical things to me!

  2. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Merry Christmas Koba, hubby and everyone that celebrates the holiday. Wow what a Marvelous Merry Christmas Edition.

    #1) OH Axxel knows what Scott likes for Christmas. Soles, holes, snowballs, and a nice thick peppermint stick. Koba, thank you, you have my #. on the manly gifts I like.
    #2) Oh it must be Christmas, my touch hole is twitching to sit on Santa's lap:) Oh I'm so glad Santa left me a jar of Vaseline in my stocking!!
    #3) OH I'm very thankful this Christmas day, but man I'm envious of this Santa getting a smooch from the big boy!! WOOF!!!
    #4) Oh handsome your "trees" look wonderful.
    #5) OHHHHH, Santa baby I'm loving your yuletide log. My what a nice smile handsome.
    #6) Your beautiful "treasure trail" is almost as wide as your Christmas. tree.

    Koba is it alright to masturbate on Christmas Day? This posting suddenly has me really "up" for the day.
