Monday, December 26, 2022

Boxing Day



  1. I'd like to "box" up either Number 8 or Number 99 or BOTH for a long winter's night or morning.

  2. For sure, #5 has a huge huge cock.

  3. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    OHHHHH Canada, I love how you celebrate Boxing Day!!

    #1) Oh I'm going for the hanging chocolatecovered banana first:) Buddy you look awesome in those boxers.
    #2) Man, am I a sucker for a dude that wears his boxers well. Let's go to bed boxer boy:) Your whole body is Woof able:)
    #3) You might have blue boxers on but I certainly won't leave you with "blue balls:)
    #4) Nothing quite likes it when he finds his way out, to take a look!! Yum!!
    #5) That's all I need to work with. I love to do some bobbing on that knob.
    #6) That a boy, seeing more and more younger guys wearing boxers these days. I do love the button fly ones myself. I love do the unbuttoning and see him spring out.
    #7) Well Boxing Day or not, boys will be boys:)
    #8) Woof, he could melt snow on the coldest day.
    #9) Hey mighty lion, why don't you just come grab me, put my legs over your shoulders and ravage me.
    #10) Christmas Day, Boxing Day, Halloween, or July 4th men want a sweet BJ!!

    Thanks Koba, I hope you and hubby had a nice Boxing Day!!

  4. SarNY says . . .
    I wanna play in the snow with number 8.

  5. Thanks guys! Glad you liked the boxers, Scott! BTW, where is Horn King? Seems to have disappeared all of a sudden...

  6. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Koba, knowing HK, he's probably had too many Bloody Mary's over the holiday and went to a NPP (no pants party) and is taking a few foot longs up the chute:) But we still love him. LMAO!!
