Saturday, November 12, 2022




  1. Happy Weekend. I think Number 2 should be on a hearty weekend brunch menu.
    And, JOCK from OnlyFans & Wales always has my attention. Perfect stud-pup!!
    Try to behave.

  2. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Wonderful Weekenders here today Koba!!

    #1) Oh boy, milk does do a body good:)
    #2) Would I ever:) Man, I'm licking my chops!!
    #3) Oh my, if my eyes don't device me the lion has a friend with him. By the looks of it they are going to have some fun.
    #4) Oh my, I did have to take a 2nd look, but by golly, it is "Oscar the Otter"!!! Loving your fat balls Oscar.
    #5) Don't you worry, you don't have to pull on his hair, that cocksucker will stay down there, till he gets his reward!!
    #6) Ahhh, I bet these two cuties get along just swimmingly:) I wish the pool at my gym had long swimming lines like that.
    #7) F--k ya, if he likes he neck kissed like I do, he's going to start jacking his meat:)
    #8) Always love seeing the boys having a good wank:)
    #9) These three of a kind beats a full house!! Oh don't know why but this pic is so sexy!! I wonder if it has anything to do with all the mouth watering cocks on them. Woof, Woof and Woof!!!
    #10) Hell ya, when you have buns like that "behind" you, you better butter them:)

    Thanks Koba!!

  3. Number 1--Eggs, sausage and milk for breakfast.

  4. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Oh I like that one anonymous at 3:03 pm!!
