Saturday, July 9, 2022




  1. Put me on my knees for the spartan warriors

  2. I'll join you on those warriors, Bill. They could always use some extra help getting their bodies and spirits ready for battle. I'll start with the man on the right. It would be great to look up his treasure trail with my nose buried in his bush and his cock growing down my throat while my beard tickles his balls.

  3. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Great Weekenders here today Koba!!

    #1) Now this young man knows how to start off the weekend. Grab life by the honker:)
    #2) Heck ya, bring me into your "pup tent"!!
    #3) Man, I could go for a nice hunk of chocolate with a creamy inside:)
    #4) Ahhh, I'm with you buddy, I'm not afraid to put my tongue in "no man's land"!!!
    #5) Indeed, a THICK slab of meat will definitely keep you wide eyed!!
    #6) Fuck, these Weekend Warriors are making me weak at the knees. Oh please come back victorious so I can indeed get on my knees for you. Man, check that warrior on the far right, just one awesome "treasure trail" and loving his dark bush, cock and his balls:):)
    #7) Guys, Guys, Guys!!!! I could be very wrong but isn't that a man-bush and not a funky sweaty pit????? HK before Sunday brunch, can you check it out for me!!
    #8) I'm envious of the love birds in paradise island!!
    #9) You little bastard you, if your not giving me your puppy dog looks to suck your cock, your teasing me with those nice men feet of yours.
    #10) I'm horny as hell, so dude lie down, I'm coming over to clean you up.

    Thanks Koba!! Oh buddy, is that a pit or a man-bush on #7??? LMAO, if I'm right I get a BJ, if I'm wrong everyone gets a "Scott deluxe special"!!

  4. Gingerseeker says:

    #4 I'm the next on the line for that tongue
    #5 I love chocolate
    #6 they should be my personal army


  5. Smaller Penis Saturday---Bring IT ON!! I love the freshness of #2 and the Gladiators in #6 -muscly nicely furred and probably not Italian or Puerto Rican. Perfect Husband Material! Thanks, Koba!

  6. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    LMAO, We all make mistakes HK!!! Hope your enjoy the BBQ, lot of "meat" there?

    I was hoping I was wrong so I could give everyone the Scott's deluxe special!! You do know that includes a nice rimmer, don't you?

  7. What a treat with the naked warriors - the guy on the far right has a perfect treasure trail leading to a beautiful bush. All of them have hot looking cocks - great size too Ben

  8. Thanks guys! And you get the BJ, Scott! Because right you are!
