Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Tuesday Ramifications!



  1. Does anyone have a name for the top in pic #1? He keeps showing up. ... not that I'm complaining.

  2. He's Welsh, I've seen him on twitter

  3. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Terrific Tuesday Ramifications here today Koba!!

    #1) Oh my, "Oscar the Otter" sticking it "butt" good to a lucky bottom!!
    #2) Keep going top, you have him leaking the nectar already.
    #3) Would have love to be sniffing around this hairy shin-dig!!
    #4) Yup, clean as a whistle!!
    #5) Wow, that probing just might undo the netting!!
    #6) Holy double pronged Batman, that bottom is taking it like a trooper!!
    #7) Bottom I'll be right over to suck on your toes while your being stuffed with some prime dark meat:)

  4. #8) Closed eyes, stiff nips, this bottom is in hog heaven:)

  5. #10) Now rest young man, you deserve it!!

  6. #8) I'm a "sucker" for a dude with some muscle.

    If this goes thru, I'll be damn, I tried so many comments with this one, but it would not go thru.

  7. Oh that last comment was for #9, honestly guys must, have offended someone with my comments about this one. Or it's just my computer illiteracy. All I came mentioning with the word Olympic and it would not take.

    Thanks Koba, for having patience with me on today posting.
