Monday, June 27, 2022

And the winner is...

 ... with a whopping 33 votes in total, this week's winner is Cock No. 8! Second place goes to Cock No. 9 with 9 votes, and third place is rounded out by Cock No. 10 with 6 votes! This week's Koba's Choice Award goes to Cock No. 4! Congrats to the winners and many thanks to all those who participated! Have a great week, guys! 


  1. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Congrats to the winner, indeed, one "power" tool, that any cocksucker or eager bottoms would love.

  2. I voted for #4 and so did a couple others before me.

  3. I also voted for Number 4 and his amazing foreskin!

  4. Sorry, guys! I rechecked my score sheet and No. 4 did in fact get 3 votes! The very first vote was for No. 4 in fact! Thanks for correcting me!
