Saturday, December 4, 2021




  1. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    This Weekenders posting Koba, warmed the "cockles" of my heart!!

    #1) If this male animal doesn't tickle your fancy, your on the "straight" and narrow. FUCK me please!!

    #2 You wouldn't be doing that in New England early this morning, that piss would have froze in mid stream.

    #3) Caption this photo: "Yes, Yes, Yes, Koba just texted me, and told me he LOVES me."!!!!

    #4) Ah the cuties having a great time just hanging!!

    #5) Yup that's me at a NPP, I'm like the energize bunny with my mouth!!

    #6) Glad the door is open, because I want you exactly in that position!! My tongue has a few places it would like to visit.

    #7) I hope these two cuties get REAL close later on!!

    #8) Well I'll be darned, indeed I have a couple of eggs frying and cooking up some sausage. I do love me a hearty breakfast!!

    #9) OH buddy, your right up my alley. I do like them on the "beefy" side. Woof!!!

    #10) LMAO, with that explosion, you never know where it's going to land. Keep those glasses on, till your dong is drained.

    Thanks Koba!! Now off to get a Christmas tree, and get my place ready for Christmas. Oh I have to check on the sausage and eggs. I should have gone out for breakfast.


  2. Where n2 Start?--Number One's nickname is "TANK"! Number Four is NOT the Jackson 5 - DIBS on the dude with the multi-colored lei! Number Six is weekend brunch served up hot a tasty. Number Seven -- Hook 'Em Horns -- who is On Top?
    And Number Nine - A thicc daddy's body and paradise of fur... YES, please.
    Koba, Damn, I am sooooo horny! You are a bad bad bad man but keep it UP! Erik
