Friday, October 15, 2021

Thank God it's Friday!



  1. TGIF, WORLD! Number One is my biggest fantasy scene cum to life!!
    Number Seven: It turns out, I CAN BE IMPRESSED along with Number Nine who looks like a human gay Disneyland dream ride.
    And, Number Three can salute me anytime and place he wishes. He looks like he would provide the best of Disneyland's gay rides. Thanks, Koba another fine effort. Erik

  2. Scott from Massachusett said...

    Terrific "TGIF" posting!!!

  3. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Have to have my buddy check out my computer, only short comments are going through.

  4. Thanks guys! Hope you are back up and running soon, Scott!

  5. Pic. #10...I never could understand why people would rather shoot on someone's face instead of in their mouth. Seems like a waste of thoroughly good juice to me.
