Saturday, September 18, 2021




  1. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Wonderful Weekenders here today Koba!!

    #1) Oh you handsome beach bums, I see you all from my perched seat in the dunes. Please let my warm you "up", the water seems to NEVER get warm up the coast of Maine. Boys, I hope you going to be up in Ogunquit to watch the the annual Mr, Bear contest is coming up at the end of the month. Boys just want to have fun!!

    #2) Tight grip, check, light touch of your balls, check, now just start pumping away, I guarantee you, the creamy "nut" will come out. Then you can go about your business.

    #3) Love to get comfy, and cozy with you under your comforter.

    #4) Oh Paul, you boner will be even bigger once I start licking your toes!! Awesome man legs, Mr. Wagner!!

    #5) Oh don't your worry bright eyes, he will let you. A raging boner never lies.

    #6) Now big boy get your hand away from your balls, I will lick them real nice for ya. It comes with my deluxe blowjobs!!

    #7) When the lion roars, I come a running (towards him)!!!

    #8) Hey sweet cheeks you enjoy your Saturday morning coffee. I going to spread those beautiful hairy buns and have a great feast.

    #9) Don't have to point me in the direction of the locker room sauna Jack!! I'll meet you there in 5!!

    #10) If there's a will there is a way. Oh buddy, I'm going to do and get what you just got, sometime today or tonight.

    Thanks Koba!!

  2. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Have to run, but Horn King you lead the parade into the dunes, and then I will take care of the "Dirty Dozen".. Deal? You will love my infamous BJ's!! Talking about infamous enjoy the BM's at tomorrow brunch.!!
