Saturday, August 21, 2021

Reader Submission!

 Beautiful uncut cock coming to you from India! Thanks man! Feel free to send us some more!



  1. To the GENTLEMAN THAT SENT US A PHOTO OF HIS FINE PENIS.. "DHANYAVAh" (which translates into THANK YOU IN HINDI !!!!) It only proves how far KOBA, is able to reach with his OUTSTANDING AND UNIVERSAL BLOG !!! It further demonstates the appreciation of the MALE BODY/And a willingness to dispay one's PROUD ERECTION !!! STANDING TALL... CONGRATES KOBA and our FELLOW READER FROM INDIA !!!

  2. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Thanks for the submit dude, I never met a cock I didn't like, and I like yours very much. BJ, HJ, I do it all.

  3. In San Diego, I say cock 6
