Sunday, August 15, 2021

Cock of the Block Contest!

 Good Sunday morning, guys, I hope your weekend is treating you right thus far! It's time once again to choose a new Cock of the Block who will reign supreme over Soliloquies for the week ahead! As always, there are just two simple rules that I ask you to follow: PLEASE VOTE ONLY ONCE, AND PLEASE VOTE FOR ONLY ONE COCK. That said, the boys are all ready, the poll is now open, so let the voting begin, and may the best cock win




  1. a strong finish with 8, 9 and 10.....but in my end i want 8

  2. I like 7 with 1 and 2 close behind

  3. #2 MY WINNER THIS WEEK... Now finish up and get off the CRAPPER ~~~

    Some fine COCKS for review this week ~~~ #9 may not be "LONG" JOHN.. BUT, HAS A ONE FAT COCK AND SOME BIG CUM FILLED NUTS !!!!

    EAST COAST A NICE DAY AHEAD ~~~ To ALL have a great day ~~


  4. Number Nine. Thick and meaty!

  5. It's really hard to choose between #2 and #4. Beautiful, uncut, full black bush! [swoon]

    OK, #2.

  6. La polla número 4


  7. An almost impossible line up of choices---to pick one when anyone of 8 could be a worthy champion. My choice is number 1 bc he is the one of today's men who is the one I'd like to have as a sex partner.

  8. 7 looks delicious!

  9. It's between # 2 and # 4. Have to pick # 4.

  10. 6 & 7 are uncut & FINE 🔥👌🏻

    Already familar with #6 so, let's go with that one 😉

  11. I usually go for the natural bush guys, so numbers 2, 3, and 4 would be my natural pickings this week. However, I'm going with number 5 simply because the guy, and cock, are gorgeous!

  12. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Oh my, I'm having a very hard time picking a winner this week, All wonderful cocks. Ok, I'm very horny, so I have to vote for my favorite cock. The medium thicky with loose balls. After I get him hard, I want to put my legs over his shoulders while I hold on to his nice arms, and he bangs me "butt" good.

    Indeed special nods have to be giving out today.

    #1) Just with those "puppy dog eyes" I could have voted for you cutie.
    #2) Not only a scrumptious cock, but nice nip and pit.
    #3) Oh buddy take your hand away, I want to blow you.
    #4) Masterful cock, and love to sniff around his balls and taint!!
    #6) Bottom bitches are jumping for joy buddy, go visit them!! Wow!!
    #7) My mouth is watering to get on that juicy head!! Handsome dude as well!!
    #8) Very nice pickle spear, to match those dangerous "guns" of his.
    #9) Oh buddy, just fucking beautiful!! Man, do you have BALLS!!!
    #10) After you shave handsome, come over to my place, I'll get him down!!

    Great job Koba!!

  13. Almost impossible to choose only one. But I really like #6. Very hot guy with a gorgeous cock and really nice balls. Although I wouldn't throw any of them out of bed.


  14. I vote for that rampant uncut otter boner on #4.

  15. #9... Military Grade

  16. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Koba I usually never chime in again with the COTB contest, but I didn't say my vote goes to #5!!!

    So far I'm the only far.

  17. that big long very thick and veiny "SUCK"ulent cock in PIC #4 really makes me drool!, I REALLY like a real hairy chest and, THAT cock would really be an extremely satisfying FEAST for me! THANKS to ALL who entered! hard to decide on only one!
