Saturday, July 17, 2021

Weekend Warriors!



  1. Koba, nice photos but curious editing.
    #1 Beautiful Muscled Boy with ugly light fixture.
    #3 Shirt & shorts two sizes too small-- neon green sneaks - air buds but no crotch bulge?
    #4 Sex Play in the closet kitchen where the men barely fit?
    #9 Huge man with a drill (subtle) and orange sunglasses indoors?
    Only perfect photo is #5 -- have seen this 'coach' a few times over the years and am always taken by how perfect he is and he is just so assured I will see him that way. Cocky bastard! That is a 'weekend warrior'!

  2. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Hey lktcsterik9, that big boy could wear pink sunglasses as far as I'm concerned as long as my legs are up over his huge shoulders and holding onto his awesome arms, while his drilling me. You guys are more than welcomed to grab a box of popcorn, some butterfingers, take a seat and watch his hairy ass hump me.

  3. para mi el 1 esta precioso bsoss en tu sobaco
