Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Ass Wednesday!

 You know the drill, boys. Vote for your favourite man butt in the Comments. One vote for one butt, if you please! 




  1. Number Six gets my Hump Day vote! Number Nine is a very close second.

  2. they are all awesome

    # 6 will be my choice

  3. #7
    Love all the hair!

  4. Bryn is hyperventilating! He did manage to keep his wits long enough to make his choice. Bryn votes for Beautiful, Beefy Butt #1.
    "The better the cushion,
    The better the pushin'"

  5. If eating is the goal then # 6 gets my vote.


  6. 3 is beautiful

  7. Butt #4 speaks to me... 😋

  8. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Finally a chance to sit down, and take a good look at ALL these manly beautiful butts.

    Whew very warm steamy day here in Central Ma, "butt" still it would be an honor to have any one of these "assholes" (said affectionately of course) to sit on my face. "Butt" I can only pick one so here goes!! Well I thought here goes, but not so easy, when you love this body part of the male species.

    OH now it's easy, #9 gets my vote, he's pointing directly to his lightly hairy beautiful butt cheeks, for me to spread them and get my tongue in his hairy crack.. You got it buddy boy.

    Very high honorable mentions to all the man butts today.

  9. I like number six (6).

  10. #9 BE MINE !! Would dive into that HAIRY CRACK a N Y Heartbeat !!!~

    SOME FINE BUTTS ON DISPLAY!~~Could use a nice JACK for all the HAIRY CRACKS!~


  11. too many hot, hairy asses to choose just one, but push comes to shove I'm picking #1. I want that guy to sit on my face and rim him like there's no tomorrow. <3
