Thursday, June 10, 2021




  1. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Koba you know how to hold your followers captive.

    OH this big cuddly St Bernard, could be my comforter anytime, when I get a little chill in my boudoir!! Just think when the "act" is over, and then he spoons you, and drift off to sleep, loving it, but hoping he's not going to crush you at the same time. Then you feel his heavy breathing start again in the middle of the night, as his hard cock works it way into your ass. With those big hairy legs of his, holding you in place, you WANT you NEED him inside you. You want him to breed you. His DNA has enter you. YOU fall in love, and you want this cuddly bear in you bed every night sleeping save and sound.

    Koba, thanks for Thursday Hotness pic #9 our minds have been working overtime ever since and I thank you for that.

    1. Scott...have you been spying on us? Life is great when you have a big man as your life long big spoon.
