Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Happy Hump Day!



  1. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Oh yes indeed these dudes will get me over the hump for sure and crack a" nut" while I'm at it.

    #1) Hey smiley, your looking great, keep the workouts going.

    #2) "Now if I timed it just right, that hungry cocksucker Scott should be coming by any minute."

    #3) Yes indeed cocksucker, you made his day!!

    #4) Boys and their "toys" in the tub. Isn't the cleanup so much easier when your taking a tubby?

    #5) "Fuck I better get the other one off fast, that toe Sucking Scott will give me a Scolding!!

    #6) Yup, thanks for the signal, it's about 10:44am, be right over handsome. Remember no deodorant, you lion you.

    #7) Help me out Horn King, you want the balls or his hole?

    #8) Oh my young man, I know he oozing pre, but remember gently suck the balls.

    #9) Oh I see a ball sac that I want to lap up.

    #10) Yikes he's definitely is the catcher on that team.

    Thanks Koba!!


  2. So many humps available and so little time, Koba! Quite wide selection of activities and talents available for our enjoyment. Number One is spectacular!

  3. #4 marcosfromthe305 . beautiful
