Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Tuesday Ramifications!



  1. You had me with #1. Stopped me cold. Want me some of that. Though #6 leaves quite an impression... hee hee.

  2. Beefy jocks (like the one in the photo #2) always get my vote! 😏💪🏻🔥

  3. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Wow, this terrific Tuesday Ramifications posting Koba, warmed the "cockles" of my heart.

    Koba Central Ma, is predicated to get anywhere from 6"to 12" of the white stuff starting tomorrow night. Yikes. Though it might stay off to the coast and then P-town gets walloped.

    #1) Now this big boy could keep me very warm in a storm. I do have a hankering for the beefy Hairy man. Oh burly one, just come over and sit on my face and let me at those nice loose balls of yours. Promise after, I'll lick you all over, yup head to toe.

    #2) Rugby players are so hot and tough. Com-on, just a little put more pulling and let us see beefy boy's package.

    #3) Yes always give a quick look before you feast for two reasons. One to make sure it's alright to feast and #2) To thank him for the meal your about to devour!! Your one lucky cocksucker bastard.

    #4) Hey buddy can I suck his cock, while you have your finger in the "cookie jar"??

    #5) A connection has definitely been agreed upon. Wouldn't mind licking those nuts while he satisfies the bottom bitch.

    #6) Oh handsome since you showed me your nice Biceps, I'm definitely coming over to take care of your "Blue Balls"!!

    #7) This should be a caption this photo, and here is my caption "After all these years Koba finally gets a good look at his straight buddy's bush." Wow what beautiful tummy fur.

    #8) Boys will be boys when they are near a swimming hole. It seems all inhibitions are lost.

    #9) My jack off pic of the day. No need to explain. I'll just say Koba knows what I like.

    #10) Yup that's me, looking at pic#9!!!

    Thanks Koba!!

  4. Really hot! Your posts make me always hard!!!

  5. #2 LET ME GO..I'LL LET YOU SUCK IT as soon as we get back
    to the locker room.
    #10 Buddy I am not a DOCTOR …..I MAKE HOUSE CALLS ……PLEASE.

  6. MICHHOT .. If these posts don't make us hard... WE ARE DEAD !!!

  7. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    The day I can't get "little scottie" to grow if I see cock and balls, stiff nips, "treasure trails", some nice "guns", hairy legs, manly toes, powerful chests it will be time to put me under. LMAO.. but true...

  8. SCOTT hoping "LITTLE SCOTTIE" never ceases to grow and spit HAPPY LOADS...GROW like PINOCCHIO'S NOSE... THAT'S NO LIE !!!!!

  9. el 5 es divino me gusta sentirla demtro demii

  10. Thanks guys! Always glad if I can harden your day! And happy shovelling, Scott! We're just supposed to get a few cm of snow here tomorrow, but it's freaking cold here right now!

  11. Torrid hot twosome Alan Davis and Dawson Grant make sure no one is home before sneaking into Alan's bedroom for some playtime fun.
