Sunday, October 25, 2020

Cock of the Block Contest!

 Good Sunday morning, guys, I hope your weekend is treating you right thus far! It's time once again to choose a new Cock of the Block who will reign supreme over Soliloquies for the week ahead! As always, there are just two simple rules that I ask you to follow: PLEASE VOTE ONLY ONCE, AND PLEASE VOTE FOR ONLY ONE COCK. That said, the boys are all ready, the poll is now open, so let the voting begin, and may the best cock win





  1. #7: Bearded face, furry belly, fulsome swinging balls, and most of all, smooth foreskin finished cosks - RULE!

  2. Koba, I'm sorry but I can't pick a single one this week. Too many gorgeous guys, awesome, furry cocks, to choose from! I could easily pick at least seven this week, so... xD
    Have a nice Sunday, Koba!

  3. Like dan said, these guys are ALL hot! But I'm going for #4 anyway.

  4. lots of great choices this week....but in my end i will take number 8

  5. #2 Stop the wagon and pick up that cowboy cock

  6. Bad boy #4

    Please and thank you!

  7. Agreed that it's hard to choose this week, and No. 2 certainly does appeal, but I'll vote for No. 6 - if it's that gorgeous soft, imagine what it looks like hard?

  8. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Man, I have not voted for COTB contest in a long time. And I'm very honored to be the first one to vote for Cock#7..

    Though I love them all, I do love the shape of that hard python, and love to get between his great legs and get at those nice loose "eggs" of his.

    Now if this was an hairy armpit contest, #8, would definitely get my vote!!

    Very high honerable mentions to all the fine slabs of man-meat today.

  9. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Opps sorry, I did not see the anonymous at 10:12 am, that caste his vote for Cock#7

  10. para mi el 6 LO tiene todo bonito cuerpo bonito bello y una polla divina muchos besos

  11. #9 (love 6 too and surprised by low vote)

  12. Lotsa good ones this time around but #6 is long, uncut and nicely shaped...also, the dude its attached too has a great body...

  13. It was a toss up, but #1 just edged out #2 for me

  14. #5 - such thickness & so hairy
    Ben / Australia

  15. I choose that big thick stiff beautiful mouth-watering boner in PIC NUMBER 3

  16. WOW!...what a phenomenal selection of fabulous MANHOOD this week!...very tough to just choose only one...but, I choose that awesome long thick beautiful boner in PIC NUMBER 2...THAT sure does it for me!...and gets my juices flowing!...long, meaty and quite delicious-looking cock number 2 does it for me!...real nice balls too!...and I like those furry legs! WOW! hope he wins!
    MANY THANKS to all who are truly all WINNERS! much fabulous man-meat!
