Thursday, July 16, 2020

Open For Business!


  1. Those are some very happy sluts. Love a dude unafraid to bare his hole... just put it out there and get his needs fulfilled. I fantasize about being that guy, but only when alone. Very hot. Thanks for sharing these. A little premature - given Covid rates are up, but... love the sentiment.

  2. I just love a man who needs only to be topped! Numbers 2 & 10 fit the bill!!

  3. And when you're done w/ number 9, I'll take him.

  4. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Just one beautiful summer day here in Massachusetts, with temps in the Mid 70's and NO humidity. Yes indeed, going to get my "ass" out the door, and make 10 stops and give these guys my business.

    Ok, then, in no particular order, I'm going sniffing, I mean shopping to these eager businesses.

    #10) Oops sorry, I already broke the rules. My cute pug-nosed otter is my first stop. First I'm going to give him a talking to, he's been a bad boy, showing all his goods to everyone lately. But then, I'm going to stick my tongue so far up his TIGHT musky hole and lick those fat balls, that he won't want to do any more business with anyone else but me. Sorry guys.

    #1) Next stop
    #7) Next stop
    #3) Next stop
    #5) Next stop
    #6) Next stop
    #2) Next stop
    #4) Next stop
    #8) Next stop
    #9) Next stop

    Whew, I'm wiped out, I'm now need a nap!!!

    Thanks Koba, for a job well done. I hope your'll be able to get out and do your shopping.

  5. No. 5 & 6 are my favorite and those BALLS.. YUMMY !

  6. Hole View Estates! Each one of these is worth saving and indulging in a group Sniff 'O Rama!

  7. Thanks boys! Have a great weekend!
