Saturday, June 27, 2020



  1. If I was as talented as #4 ...

  2. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Wow, Wonderful Weekenders here Koba!!

    #1) Yes indeed young man, I could go for coffee and cock today. Well I already had my coffee, now HOPEFULLY I will get cock tonight.

    #2) Now that's a nice way to start my Saturday morning. Always a pleasure when Koba shows us a pic of my little cutie pug nosed otter. Hey cutie I'm coming over to take your socks off, and we can play. I know, I know, your going to have to listen to me, coo, over that nice tummy "treasure trial" of yours.

    #3) Oh a walk in the woods sounds very nice today. Nice Summer day here in Massachusetts. Wouldn't mind barking up this dude's tree.

    #4) If a genie would grant me 3 wishes, this would be one of them. I'm a very good cocksucker, my cock, would always be begging for my attention.

    #5) "Scott announces "Straight Saturday cock sucking"!!" He will be on his knees all day into the night. Ah just a little fantasy of mine. Don't hate me for having a craving for the straight meat.

    #6) Wow Paddy Cakes you're staying in great shape even though the gyms are close. Could you send me a copy of you workout routine?

    7) Hey smiley, I'd love to play touch football with you today.

    #8) OH handsome, would I love to being lying next to you at the beach. That water must be darn cold, nips never lie. We can get a room, and I warm them up for you.

    #9) Don't know when my penchant for pit and treasure trail's began. But this dude is making me sweat. Nice real nice.

    #10) I think I will have 2nd cup of coffee, I'm going to use this "cream" dispenser!!!

    Thanks Koba

  3. I'm with you re No. 4 guys!
