Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Tuesday Ramifications

1 comment:

  1. Scott from Massachusetts said...

    Terrific Tuesday Ramifications here today Koba!!

    #1) A brave young man, letting his lover in. Sweet!!

    #2) Yup, I'm really going to be daring when I finally get back to the gym. When I see a big boy like this, I'm just going to go up to him and say, "Oh those are nice puppies, do you mind if I pat them?"

    #3) Wouldn't mind one bit, enjoying a car ride with these "SUNSHINE Delights"!!

    #4) Both lads have tall tail sign of being very happy:)

    #5) Oh yeah, someone is enjoy those fingers probing his hole:)

    #6) Yes indeed, solider, glad you have you legs spread, I want to thank you for your service. Beautiful cock and balls!!

    #7) Love to get in a hand in handsome's Long John's basket.

    #8) With a mouth on his big toe, a finger in his crack, and then me getting my tongue on his fat balls, he'll be squirting in no time.

    #9) Now this is the kind of mermaid I'd love to see walking up to shore.

    #10) I do like cream on my "ginger bread men"!!!

    Thanks Koba
